Monday, August 30, 2010

What can spoil your freshwater fish aquarium?

Of all the decoration items that you have in your home, freshwater fish aquariums are the most unique. They provide you with good activities for your leisure time. It is easy to maintain a fish aquarium but there are several threats that you need to prevent. Here are a few of the threats which can ruin your aquarium:

Ammonia poisoning:

This occurs when the level of ammonia in your aquarium rises to dangerously high levels. This can be because of many reasons. The probable causes are:

·         You set up a new fish tank 
·         Failure of  the mechanical filter
·         Death of useful bacteria because of medication for the fish
·         Changes in the water chemistry

There are several visible differences which tell you that there is a high ammonia level in your freshwater fish aquarium e.g.

·         The gills of the fish turn purple or red and red streaks become visible on their bodies,
·         fish frequently come up to the surface to take in air,
·         fish become less active 
·         they do not eat
·         some of the fish might be seen lying at the bottom

The solution for this is to decrease the pH to 7 or an even lower value. Half or one fourth of the water in the tank should be replaced by fresh water. You should reduce the amount of food you give to your fish. try using chemicals which are not harmful for the fish and bring down the level of ammonia.   

Nitrate poisoning:

It is also termed as ‘brown blood disease’. This disease is because of ammonia poisoning. It decreases the capacity of blood to transport oxygen. You should know that it is nitrate poisoning when,

·         The fish have tan or brown gills,
·         You see rapid gill movement,
·         The fish are lifeless,
·         The fish go towards the top of the tank to breathe

The remedies for this are to replace all of the water in the tank. After refilling add chlorine salt. Increase aeration in the tank.


Growth of algae is favored when there is an excess supply of nutrients. Once you observe algae growth change all the water in your freshwater fish aquarium to get rid of it. A good advice is to clean the tank regularly to avoid any threats.

freshwater fish aquariums

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